Vanier Scholarships 2024 Valued at $50,000 | Apply Now

Vanier Scholarships 2024 Valued at $50,000. Unlock the door to academic excellence with the Vanier Scholarships 2024. Students, ensure you check with your nominating institution for the upcoming submission deadline.

For nominating institutions, remember the crucial deadline of November 1, 2023, at 20:00 EDT.

Next Important DateFor students: consult the nominating institution for the submission deadline.
For nominating institutions: Deadline: November 1, 2023 (20:00 EDT).
Nomination ProcessCandidates must be nominated by a Canadian institution with a quota* to host Vanier scholars. Candidates should only seek a nomination from the institution at which they want to study.
*The term β€œquota” refers to the maximum number of nominations an institution can forward to the national competition.
How to Be NominatedEligibility
Canadian citizens
Permanent residents of Canada
Foreign citizens
Areas of research:
Health research
Natural sciences and/or engineering
Social sciences and humanities
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

Eligibility for the Vanier Scholarships 2024 Valued at $50,000 | Apply Now

Confirm that you and your nominating institution meetΒ allΒ the criteria below before you apply for a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS).


Nominations that do not meet all of the eligibility criteria will be deemed ineligible.

Candidate eligibility


Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier CGS.

Eligibility to apply for a Vanier CGS

To be considered for a Vanier CGS, you must:

  • be nominated by only one Canadian institution, which must have received a Vanier CGS quotaFootnote1;
  • be pursuing your first doctoral degree (including joint program such as MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, or JD/PhD, MBA/PhD – if it has a demonstrated and significant research component);
  • intend to pursue, in the summer semester or the academic year following the announcement of results, full-time doctoral (or a joint graduate research program such as MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, JD/PhD, MBA/PhD) studies and research at the nominating institution; For joint graduate research programs, only the PhD portion of the program is eligible for funding.
  • have completed no more than 20 months of full-time study in your doctoral program as of May 1, 2024;

Visit the Official Website Here to apply here

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