Top 4 NGO Nursing Jobs in 2024 | Apply Now

There are a number of NGO jobs that one can pursue across all industries. Today we are going to write a detailed article on some of the top four NGO nursing jobs one can pursue.

Medical Coordinator

To begin with, a qualified nurse can work as a medical coordinator. Within an NGO, the medical coordinator is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the organization’s health projects. Among quite a number of other health-related responsibilities, the NGO nurse will also be tasked with taking note of budget responsibility and feeding into grant management and proposal development.

Top 4 NGO Nursing Jobs in 2024
Top 4 NGO Nursing Jobs in 2024

How to Apply for Medical Coordinator as a Nurse?

In a bid to get the job of a Medical Coordinator one does not only have to be medically qualified, but also have significant experience overseeing NGO health projects.

Health Programme Manager

Moving on to the second job that is available for nurses in NGOs is the health Programme manager. As a health program manager, one will be performing duties quite similar to those of the medical coordinator. However, the job of the health program manager focuses more heavily on project implementation and less on program design and grant management.

The Health Program Manager may report to the Med Co. or to the Head of Programs. They will line-manage a team of medical staff that focuses on the day-to-day running of the NGOs health projects.

How to Apply for the Role of a Health Program Manager

Being a qualified nurse is a great step towards becoming a health program manager with an NGO. You will need to be medically trained in order to get the job of health program manager.

MHPSS Officer

Let’s move on to NGO job number 3. Many NGOs across the world employ nurses as MHPSS officers. In the NGO sector, MHPSS stands for mental health and psychosocial support. Contemporary NGOs across the world have begun focusing more on mental health as part of their wider medical projects. Nurses with specializations in mental health can enter the NGO sector in a range of MHPSS roles.

The job of the MHPSS Officer is to oversee the day-to-day running of an NGOs mental health programs. They will line up a team of psychologists and case workers and either report to the health program manager or field coordinator.

How to Apply for the MHPSS Officer

If you are qualified as a mental health nurse, consider applying for MHPSS Officer positions with NGOs. Experience in this field of work is a great advantage when applying.

Community Health Worker

Lastly, but not least, let’s talk about another particular NGO job that nurses can take, which is called Community Health Worker. NGOs recruit community health workers as a link between their projects and the communities they’re serving. The job of the community health worker is to understand the health needs of the community, promote the NGO’s work, and raise awareness of key health issues.

How to Apply as a Community Health Worker


As well as being medically trained, often as a nurse, the most important requirement to become a community health worker for an NGO is to be a member of the community they are serving. Having a strong understanding of the community’s health needs is vital for succeeding in the role.


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