
Heart-Wrenching Goodbye: Shebeshxt Bids Farewell To His Daughter

Heart-Wrenching Goodbye: Shebeshxt Bids Farewell To His Daughter

The funeral was attended by family and close friends, all of whom shared in the deep sorrow of her untimely passing.

Today, the controversial Limpopo rapper Lehlogonolo ‘Shebeshxt’ Chauke laid his daughter to rest after a tragic accident claimed her life. Onthatile Gladys Chuene, just 8 years old, was buried at their home in Lebowakgomo, Limpopo. Despite his own serious injuries, Shebeshxt made special arrangements with the hospital where he was being treated to be discharged for this heart-wrenching occasion.

The young girl’s white casket, adorned with Disney’s Frozen animation, was a poignant symbol of her short but cherished life.

The funeral was attended by family and close friends, all of whom shared in the deep sorrow of her untimely passing. Shebeshxt penned an emotional note to his daughter, stating, “You left a huge void in our hearts. I don’t think we will ever recover from this.” His words captured the overwhelming grief and longing felt by those left behind.

The accident occurred on the R37 near the Smelters Mine outside Polokwane in Limpopo while Shebeshxt was en route to a gig around 10 pm. His car reportedly overturned after colliding with a truck, killing his daughter and severely injuring both the rapper and another passenger. Tidimalo Chuene, spokesperson for the Provincial Department of Transport and Community Safety, confirmed that the police are still investigating the cause of the accident.

This week, Shebeshxt was discharged from the hospital to attend the funeral. A close friend of the musician revealed that his wife, Kholofelo Chuene, has been deeply affected, unable to eat or speak since the accident. “She is not okay and was given medication to calm down. We hope she gets through this because she has endured a lot,” the friend shared.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Shebeshxt has been involved in a car accident. The self-proclaimed ‘President ya ma 2000’ recounted a previous incident where a fan’s reckless behavior caused a crash. “He overtook other cars and stopped right in front of my car,” Shebeshxt explained. “I crashed into his car. What was I supposed to do, fly over his car? Now I am the one that is at fault,” he added, reflecting on the bizarre and frustrating situation.

As the community of Lebowakgomo mourns with Shebeshxt and his family, they are left with a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of sudden loss. The heartfelt condolences and support pouring in from fans and well-wishers offer a glimmer of comfort during this unimaginably difficult time.

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